MindSEO Automata is a consulting service provided by MindSEO

At MindSEO, we are able to monitor and analyse online behaviour by creating profiles of people who visit your website. Our process is based on automatic data analysis and automatic marketing actions in all digital marketing channels: E-mail Marketing & Newsletters, Dynamic personalised website content, Mobile Channel and Call Center & Direct Sales.


By using automated rules, we can automatically react to behaviours or identified profile changes. With this information, we can contact customers at the exact time they are ready to take some action. These rules enable us to execute simple actions, such as automated notifications and alerts regarding your prospects activity.

For a successful marketing automation implementation, you should integrate and align all of your marketing strategy solutions in order to provide tailored information and value for potential customers and prospects and reduce cycle timings.

1 - Content Marketing

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Consumers demand and deserve value-based interactions across all points of engagement. More importantly, timing and relevance are critical factors for content delivery and sales engagement.

Nowadays, companies lost control over the decision-making process as the consumer controls up to 70% of the buying process. Today’s consumer makes a lot of research before buying and gets that information from multiple sources.

People have no interest in being inundated with unwanted and irrelevant information. They do, however, seek for informative interactions to support their search.

With the ability to manage, report and automate the moving parts of a campaign with marketing automation technology and expertise, aligning the marketing and sales departments, taking into account the buyer’s digital body language, we can:


revenue with qualified marketing leads.


demand generation efficiency and effectiveness.


marketing value and accountability.  


a Modern Marketing system of record.   

2 - Email Marketing

Email marketing is still the most profitable and cost-effective channel to get the highest ROI (return on investment) and is still the channel preferred by users to get marketing offers.

At MindSEO, we can track clicks, opens, bounces, geographic data and other customer behavioural aspects in order to deliver successful messages. The challenge of email marketing is delivering the messages to the right person at the right time.

By analysing the behavioural profile of your contacts, we can automatically deliver tailored content and offers to particular prospects, when they are potentially interested in purchasing.

We can easily send automatic and personal emails to those customers who have just signed up your website, subscribed your newsletter, made a download or just bought any product. With our technology, we can create triggers to automatically send an email when these actions are done. These procedures are very effective because everybody likes to receive instant gratification or reminders of products viewed or left on the shopping cart.

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3 - Social Marketing

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Understanding customer behaviour and participation on social media networks are critical to a successful and complete marketing automation process. The information that buyers interact with comes with an additional layer of trust that other information does not have - conversations that concern your brand is an indicator of interest, and potential intent.

Social media offers visibility into key behavioural attributes, that allow us to deliver more accurate and personalised information in multiple channels for lead generation and brand building. Social media enables marketing organisations to capture:


on leads and customers.


to support segmentation strategy.


to improve sharing tactics.

4 - Tailored Campaigns

We can help you generate and display banners, product recommendations with content tailored to the individual users profile. Create successful marketing automation campaigns by defining trigger events, conditions and marketing actions – these rules deliver tailored content to the right lead at the right time.

We work with advanced analytics for your marketing and sales processes including conversion reports, sales cycles, lead source analysis and information on the consumer decision journey.

With automated campaigns, we can segment potential customers across several dimensions such as demographics, activities, the length of engagement and interests. We can build a target audience based on title, geography, job function, visit frequency, or topic of interest. Targeting and segmentation are crucial components of marketing automation technology to create successful tailored campaigns.

We can, also, integrate our technology to make tailored Facebook campaigns, by generating automatically leads from Facebook applications in order to track likes, comments, build custom Facebook Audiences based on data collected to create campaigns specific to Facebook.

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5 - Lead Capture & Management

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At MindSEO we easily create modal pop-ups, contact forms, newsletters, sign up forms and landing pages for your website with exit-intent technology and dynamically personalised content for every individual visitor in real-time, to help you generate significantly more leads from your website.

Managing potential leads and converting them into customers is the key factor of marketing automation. One of the basic steps to collect leads is the infamous contact forms, which are used to visitors easily send a request for contacts to the companies.

Another essential procedure is integrating CRM tools that allow you to collect and organise costumers, manage data and keep detailed information about them. This is an execellent process to manage existing customers as well as for new prospect leads.

The sales funnel is the first stepping point of any marketing strategy. Identifying the stage of the funnel where your lead is, makes all the difference when defining your automation strategy. By automating your marketing channels we can identify and start tracking the leads on the very first visit to your website. This process is made by collecting several bits of information in order to begin building a lead profile for that visitor. We can collect the activity of each lead and gather data about the pages they visit, the time they spent on each page, and start creating strategies to better contact them and promote your products.

Creating landing pages to present relevant information to your leads as they visit your website is still an effective action that marketing automation can provide. The landing pages are created for specific purposes and with specific call-to-actions.

Also, for any marketing automation implementation, you must work closely with all the other aspects of your marketing strategy.

You should integrate your website, your forms, your emails and all possible communication channels, as well as your CRM, in order to provide a cohesive sales and marketing strategy.

6 - Database Management

The foundational element of successful marketing automation is your database. Good data quality enables relevant, real-time messaging. If you want to target based on demographic data, you need to ensure the data that you are collecting is both accurate and up-to-date. Campaign effectiveness will suffer if you are unable to target accurately as a result of bad data.

Complex, yet powerful metrics and data strategy need to be implemented in order to collect all data in a way you can use it for your benefit. The best Data Scientists can’t do much without a really strong database strategy and compliance. From collecting biographical, location and behavioural data to create programming algorithms in a form of rules and triggers is the future… NOW. Take advantage of these new tools to increase your revenue and sales.

We can simplify the access to traditional and emerging data, help your data scientists with advanced analytic techniques and know-how, scrub data to build quality, shape data with flexible processes and finally, share metadata across analytics or action tools. Feels confusing? That’s when we come in and simplify all for you.

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At MindSEO we transform marketing problems into challenges and solutions. If you want to automate your online channels, request a consultancy now.

Automated Procedures

Depending of your needs, goals, stage of the platform and industry, different processes and actions are required.

Data Center

If you are a B2B company:

  • Lead Generation: acquire new leads with contact forms and landing pages;
  • Lead Nurturing: create automatic educational programs for acquired leads;
  • Lead Scoring: score customers based on their activity so you can contact prospects when they are ready to buy;
  • Alerts for salespeople when their prospects take actions on your website;
  • Send an alert when a client takes an action that signals they are at risk of leaving you company;
  • Sales team mailing box integration: automatically add new contacts to your database as you email them;
  • Lead Routing: automatic assign potential clients to appropriate sales representatives when they are ready to buy;
Retail Store e-commerce

If you are B2C/eCommerce:

  • Targeted Newsletters: send email newsletters that offer information about sales, coupons, and specials offers;
  • Abandoned cart reminders: send emails to your customers about the products and items they added to their shopping cart;
  • Automated follow-up emails: send automatic emails to customers after they buy specific products;
  • Product Recommendations: Send emails with product recommendations based on similar items that customers bought or saved on the wish lists;
  • Personalised Coupons: deliver personalised coupons to increase purchase rate through emails and automatic SMS campaigns;
  • Display campaigns: create dynamic display campaigns with specific placements and audiences;


MindSEO works in partnership with some of the best cloud marketing automation platforms such as SALESmanago, Oracle Marketing Cloud, Marketo, Hubspot, Adobe, Act-on, Kenshoo Infinity, Sitecore, Telerik Sitefinity, and several others, as well as proprietary technology mixed with other third-party platforms, in order to connect and unify all data sources.

Marketing automation helps sales and marketing teams work collaboratively by integrating their technologies to data management, such as CRM. This connection bridges the gap and improves visibility into data damages - or missing information - so marketers can standardise lists of values, normalise data and ensure accuracy in future data collection sources. Focusing on data management and cleanliness is a powerful way to make a significant impact on the sales and marketing funnel by improving demand generation, as well as the quality of marketing and sales, accepted leads (SALs).

Marketing Automation

helps and supports an effective data management so marketers can:


Improve campaign targeting and segmentation.


Align the efforts across all the departments of the organization.


Reduce inaccurate or duplicate data within CRM systems.


Improve campaign performance with better engagement results.

If you want to better understand and engage your audience, contact us now and start automating your actions.