E-commerce Trends: Personalisation

Retail e-commerce sales worldwide are expected to reach a new value, before next year. According to data from Statista, there is a growth rate of 265%, from $ 1 300 billion in 2014 to $ 4 900 billion in 2021. In fact, the trend is to keep growing. However, this is not all. According to

Website Backup - MindSEO

Have you ever lost a lot of important data from your website? Sometimes a simple distraction is enough to eliminate all data and files. There are still other situations, such as the possibility of a website being hacked. According to a Forbes article, in 2018 there was an increase in data breaches compared to previous

SEO Strategy - MindSEO

Optimising a website is an essential element of any content marketing strategy. It is essential to focus on attracting leads and, from there, achieve positive results through conversions. One of the best ways to achieve this is precisely through optimisation, using SEO – Search Engine Optimisation techniques. For this, it is important to know the

Freedom of expression in the digital age - MindSEO

Concepts such as freedom of expression and the right to privacy in the digital context have been challenged by the digitisation of modern life. These challenges lead to questions that are important to think about. How does the relationship between freedom of expression and the right to privacy work in the online world? Is it

User Interface Design - MindSEO

5 benefits of user interface design

User interface design (UI) is directly related to user experience (UX). Online business with a good user interface ensures a competitive advantage in an increasingly competitive and evolving environment. The goal of user interface design is to make digital interaction as simple, fluid, intuitive and efficient as possible. Thus, it must anticipate needs and ensure

Online Crisis Management - MindSEO

The growing ease of expression in digital media brings with it different implications in the lives of people and companies. Besides being reasonably simple to launch criticism against a company, there is a great possibility of spreading negative comments by the community. That is why we talk about online crises. Although most companies do not

Marketing Automation - MindSEO

Unsurprisingly, today, workdays tend to be increasingly hectic. Between consecutive meetings, managing teams, planning goals and projects, analysing results, and other tasks, it becomes complicated to ensure that everything is fulfilled within the intended. Also, it is essential to ensure that marketing effort reaches the desired audience, at the right time, with the right message,


Learn the basics of an SEO strategy

Have you ever wondered why a competitor website appears to be better positioned in search engines than yours? To understand this question, we have to talk about SEO or Search Engine Optimisation. In general, SEO intends to make web pages attractive to search engines, through methods that transmit relevance to users and, consequently, place websites

Social Media - MindSEO

Social networks are part of the daily lives of the vast majority of companies and have become an increasingly valued point of contact between brands and the consumer. However, the expected return for the presence on these platforms not always is achieved due to management mistakes. As we are a Top Digital Marketing Agency listed in

GDPR - are companies feeling its impact - MindSEO

The internet and the growing technological evolution have brought great challenges regarding the right to personal data privacy and protection, changing the whole perception of these concepts. While on one hand, it has facilitated or even revolutionized, the way to communicate and manage daily tasks, on the other hand, it makes users much more susceptible