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Google Outage with services like Analytics and Ads suffering - MindSEO

Google Outage: what happened?

On June 2, 2019, several Google services broke down and left the Internet in panic mode. Blocked websites, services down, unloaded images and videos, dead messages, inaccessible email accounts for hours, and data breaches in Google Ads and Google Analytics reports have left millions of users around the world in the dark. The G Suite

Adobe Summit 2019 with innovation regarding e-commerce and user experience - MindSEO

The Adobe Summit 2019 EMEA (EMEA stands for European, Middle Eastern and Asian markets) ran from May 15 to 16 in London. At this conference, the North American company based in San Jose, California, revealed some innovations in its e-commerce platform and customer experience for the coming months as well as intentions and ideas that

Google Marketing Live 2019 highlighted Google Ads updates - MindSEO

This month’s Google Marketing Live event saw the tech giant present new solutions and products. San Francisco held this year’s edition, and in addition to the focus on digital marketing, one of the main subjects was best practices for platforms like Google Ads and other changes that should get the attention of marketers. We will

Your website needs an SSL certificate. Do you know why? SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) allows websites to be accessed through HTTPS (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure), which protects and encrypts information online and makes communication secure between consumer and website. If your website is HTTP only, it is possible for any network user to read